Before the year ends in less than a day's time, here's a moment in 2008 that i would like to remember.
Early October, Paul Tan from the AWE50ME network invited me to attend the
PSFK Conference Asian 2008. To my surprise, he presented A Little Beijing during the Creator Class Panel after lunch. =)
It's so great to finally see the guys (Paul & Brian Tiong) behind the Awesome network, they have been really supportive! So were the people at PSFK!! I met Jeff Squire very briefly over a hand shake during tea time and a month later, i received an email from him. The team at PSFK were putting together a Good Ideas in 2009 report and they wanted to include my niche travel guide in it. Yay!
I'm truly grateful to all those who had believed in this project.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Looking forward to 2009.
Video taken during the Creator Class Panel: